viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

Today I dreamed with you ...

Today I dreamed with you ...

And I took both happiness than ever I would forget that I dreamed with you today the only bad thing was that this was just a dreamand that nothing and nobody can compare with what I feel every time

I remember you and your smile.

The other bad thing is that you can not even imagine that I feel this for you, and it is very ugly that I can not approach the person I want to spend my time.

I wish I could see you every day!, more times to say your name, I feel that what was appropriate that he had not met anyone who could lie so well and that his lies could produce in my repudiation rather than intrigue.

For that you have become a mysterious, hidden secrets that would like to know.

But the good thing is this that even in my dreams so I can be at your side.

1 comentario:

  1. so who r u talking about? i mean, in this poem?
    uh? uuuuuuuuuuu..! XD
