sábado, 30 de enero de 2010






lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

EL inFanTIlismoo en AcciOn

Bno Creo q no me siento muy bn pero ...

bno algo melancolica... el día olía a melancolia...

y olia al fin de la la felicidad del fin desemana

solo pienso...

pero luego caigo...



D vuelta a la realidad... pekeña Raida me digo...

Nadie es indispensable en este vida...y mucho menos yop...

asi q... bueno era hora de despertar de este sueño de infantilismo donde... yo puedo decidir y herir cuando en realidad... ni decido y me hieren... y es momento de sacar la lechuga y empezar a cortar esos vasos llenos de sangre tibia.

LOS dejo MIS amigos CON esta ROLLA


domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

What I Hope...

Now I do not know ..

not what I have to waitnow everything seems perfect looks like things are beautiful as beforenow ..

I only ask that everything remains the same ...

The days have been wonderfully cloudy with drizzle, as I like.Now I remember again what it is to love what you do all the days and those around you.

That terrible discomfort I felt when that horrible play my door lord love a cloudy morning is gone, and hopefully not come back for a while.

Now I just go to meditating and love.

jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

The love I get a horrible sunny morning...

Love knocked on my door one morning Solead disgusting, then I wondered whether I should open to receive and share with open arms ...

It seemed a good idea, though not very successful, the fact is that when I opened it was not what I imagined was a strange thing ugly aunt and unknown ...

Oh my God I thought to myself, this is really terrible ...

I could be, then I saw the love in front of me and I had no choice but to say thank you do not need your services now, I just take my tongue and he slammed the door in his face, ha ...

That was hard, and I feel good but not quite right ...

I prefer love melancholy, beautiful things, like walk and remember good times in the beautiful cloudy days like today.

martes, 5 de enero de 2010

"Happiness is love, nothing else ...

He who knows love is happy .."


I do not understand that I can not love ...Maybe
... is that I am not of this planet ...
"Whoever does not fit the world, is nearly always find himself ..."

Sometimes we can not have everything under control, sometimes more conbiene not look back, because the past was not always good. Sometimes not, we can be what others expect of you, sometimes we can not avoid doing things without thinking, which later you regret ... The only good thing is that sometimes, everything is worth it for things that await you are better, or worse, and almost as bad as before were now looks good.

domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

Squidward tentacles

My most recent purchase of the year was this great Squidward tentacles sweatshirt ..I think it is good and my well with my personality because I am a little sour sometimes, mmm I liked a lot since I saw the blue beyond Ilike a lot ..sweatshirts such widely used where I live and there are many characters .. but I have to improve is to Squidward tentacles ...

My purpose other New Year ...

My purpose other New Year ...

Well, almost never are, but I will make a considerable effort this year because they are of great importance ...

1 - Be more organized in the academic question
2 - Make me the habit of daily study for a considerable time
3 - Be more organized
4 - Do not leave my earrings to the last
6 - Be more tolerant and less hostile to the people around me
7 - To be happier

Well not if I will be adding other insurance during the year but that if ..

The sun does not shine today like yesterday :::

Now I know what to expect of life, but has given me everything I want, I feel that I'm never satisfied, I have not taken full advantage of everything that has given me and that makes me feel bad ... I hope tomorrow I can see a clear day and the sun brighter than my heart totally cheerful cloudy.

What hurts me....

Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But the worst suffering in not knowing what decision to take ...
Paulo Coelho